Everyday, Ebola news dominates.
It’s interesting to watch the circus and alarming to see and hear some of the reactions.
Here are my observations and questions:
- Why has Ebola spread so quickly? It seems as though the “authorities” have been syrupy slow to react. And you know what stirs me up? Airports continue to accept travelers from Africa, even Liberia, where the largest outbreak appears to be. They get in but my granddaughters’ juice boxes were confiscated at Security. Too dangerous. Didn’t you know six year olds make bombs out of juice boxes all the time? (They once took my lunch: hummous because it was too liquid. They left me my pita but naked, it wasn’t palatable!) The lax handling of this by the US Government et al is more evidence that airport security measures are largely to give the impression they’re addressing security concerns when in fact, it’s all a charade.
- Consider this report: The US Government owns the patent on Ebola. Why? Aren’t patents granted to creators? Why is the US Government creating deadly viruses? Just asking. If this is true was Ebola released on purpose? If not, who’s guarding the lab? Is it the same contractor that’s screening passengers at airports?
- Just as the Ebola epidemic was becoming a common headline the pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline announced that they had a vaccine, miraculously ready to test on human guinea pigs. What a wonderful coincidence! They will reduce ten years of studies into 12 months! Makes one wonder if the patent owner is colluding with GSK.
- Who is lining up to get the Ebola vaccine? Think about the clinical trials. Group A gets untested vaccine. Group B gets the placebo. Do they purposely expose both groups to Ebola and see who gets it? Seems rather dangerous. Both scare me: an injection of virus that could cause Ebola (not to mention the vaccine adjuvants which are known poisons) or the placebo, which means there’s no protection. Where do I sign up?
- Why a vaccine not a cure? If the US Government created it, surely they’ve been working on ways to prevent and cure it. Shouldn’t all possibilities be considered? I’ve seen reports that massive doses of vitamin C or colloidal silver can help bolster the immune system’s troops but these options are not being considered. When properly armed, our immune systems are marvelously designed to resist a host of hostile organisms. But most people are woefully malnourished and their immune defenses are weak. Africans are notoriously undernourished, or so we’re led to believe by news reports and Save the Children ads.
If you’re concerned about Ebola, I suggest minimizing trips to Africa for now.
Avoid the vaccine; it needs testing. Don’t be a guinea pig.
Nourish yourself by eating a wide variety of unprocessed foods and whole food supplements. For example, studies show that Vitamin D bolsters the immune system, so get some sun or eat some fish.
Most of all, don’t dwell on this issue. Have you ever noticed that when you focus on disaster that seems to be what shows up? Race car drivers are trained not to look at the wall because if they look there, they drive there.
Eyes on the road.