Ice Cream for Breakfast on Christmas Morning

ice-cream-strawberry-scoops“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.”

Who doesn’t love ice cream? It’s sweet. It’s creamy. It’s wholesome.

Unless it isn’t.

What is sold as ice cream today is not ice cream.

Here’s how you know:

Take a small scoop of the ice cream in your fridge. Put it in a bowl. Leave it on the counter overnight. Check it in the morning.

I suspect you’ll discover that it doesn’t melt. It doesn’t look any different from the way it did when you took it out of the freezer. This is your second clue that this is not real food.

The first, of course, is the label.

Years ago, Breyer’s was my favourite brand of ice cream. They boasted only six ingredients: milk, cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla, salt.

Then one day I bought my usual small package of Breyer’s. But it didn’t taste right. I checked the label. Behold! The company had been bought by some big factory food processor and the label was populated with a number of unpronounceable chemicals. My favourite ice cream was ruined. I wanted to scream!

I learned a couple lessons:

  1. always read the label, even if you think you know what it says.
  2. our food is being hi-jacked by corporate profits.

About five years ago, I gave up dairy and I began to search for alternatives for ice cream. I discovered coconut milk ice cream and now I make my own.

My daughters, granddaughters and I had ice cream for breakfast on Christmas morning. The recipe is simple. The taste is incredible. And you get to control the amount of sugar and avoid nasty chemicals.

I’ll never scream for ice cream again.


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